8th Grade
8th Grade Lessons
8th Grade Lessons
Digital Media and Your Brain - How does digital media try to hook you, and what can you do about it?
Lesson (PDF)
Being Aware of What Your Share - How can you protect your privacy when you're online?
Lesson (PDF)
Social Media and Digital Footprints: Our Responsibilities - How does using social media affect our digital footprints?
Lesson (PDF)
Sexting and Relationships - What are the risks and potential consequences of sexting?
Lesson (PDF)
Responding to Hate Speech Online - How should you respond to online hate speech?
Lesson (PDF)
Student Handout: Scenario A: Maya
Student Handout: Scenario B: John
Student Handout: Scenario C: Marcus
Student Handout: Scenario D: Nancy
Lesson Quiz: Google Form Answer KeyThis Just In! - How should we react to breaking news?
Lesson (PDF)
Additional Resources:
Digital Compass:
Digital Compass is a "choose-your-own-path" digital game designed to help student explore the dilemmas they face as digital citizens. View this video to see an example of how one teacher uses Digital Compass in the classroom.