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Berryessa Union School District

Berryessa Union School District

Noble PPP

Noble PPP

The Parent Participation Program (PPP) is an Alternative Education Program which emphasizes parent volunteerism, involvement, and contributions inside and outside the classroom. The program is open to the entire Berryessa Union School District and is currently made up of one class each in grades kindergarten through third grade. The program takes place on the Noble Elementary School campus.
Curriculum is the same as set forth by district goals for each grade level, however, through the contributions of time, effort, and donations from parents, PPP classes aim to enrich the learning environment with additional activities, field trips, and learning experiences. Parents (and grandparents or other family members) help strengthen the classroom experience by collaboratively sharing their skills, interests, and professional expertise through direct involvement in the classroom under the direction of the teacher. The extra help allows teachers more time to focus on creative teaching. Students gain a strong community as they move as a cohort from kindergarten through third grade with the same classmates and their families.
For more information, please visit the Noble PPP website: