CUPCCAA Contractor Registration Information
The Berryessa Union School District has elected to become subject to the California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Procedures. The District is inviting all licensed contractors to submit their information for inclusion on the District’s CUPCCAA Registered Contractors List for the 2025 calendar year.
The California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act is under the umbrella of the California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Commission (CUPCCAC) and provides for alternative bidding procedures when an agency performs public project work by contract.
- Public projects of $75,000 or less may be performed by negotiated contract or by purchase order [PCC22032(a)]
- Public projects of $220,000 or less may be let to contract by the informal procedures set forth in the Act [PCC22032(b)]
- Public projects of more than $220,000 shall be let to contract by formal bidding procedures [PCC22032(c)]
In November of each year, participating Districts place an ad in various construction trade journals inviting all licensed contractors to submit the name of their firm to the District for inclusion on the District’s CUPCCAA Registered Contractors List for the following calendar year.
The Berryessa Union School District has completed all the necessary requirements to participate in this alternative bidding process and solicits your firm to register.
NOTE: The CUPCCAA registration process is for the purpose of being notified of small project construction bid opportunities according to your license classification. This is not a prequalification process.
Return page 3 of the registration form to the District so we can add you to our registration list.
Surety Bonds are required for projects $25,000 or more.
Performance and Payment Bonds will be required on all contracts for $25,000 or more. Within ten (10) days upon award and prior to start of Work, Contractor shall furnish surety bonds as follows:
Performance Bond: A bond in amount at least equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract price as security for faithful performance of this Contract. Download here:
Payment Bond: A bond in the amount at least equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract price as security for payment of persons performing labor and/or furnishing materials in connection with this Contract. Download Here:
Contract Forms
The form of Agreement which the successful bidder will be required to execute, if awarded the project, pursuant to the California Uniform Public Contract Cost Accounting Act, shall be on the District’s standard contract form, unless otherwise provided in the bid documents. The Agreement form (Contract) among other things includes matters required by State Law relative to public work contracts.
Prevailing Wages
In accordance with the provisions of Section 1771 of the Labor Code, all public works contracts in excess of $1,000 shall be subject to prevailing wages. Projects are subject to labor compliance monitoring and enforcement by the Department of Industrial Relations pursuant to Labor Code Section 1771 and subject to the requirements of Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations. Contractors and Subcontractors will furnish electronic certified payroll records directly to the Labor Commissioner weekly or within ten (10) days of any request by the District or Labor Commissioner. The successful bidder shall comply with all requirements of Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, of the Labor Code. Current prevailing wage rates and pertinent information can be obtained from the following link:
For construction projects less than $60,001, the District requires that all contractors provide acceptable proof of insurance for awarded projects before they are allowed to work at any District site. In order to expedite any “informally or formally” quoted projects, the District is requesting the following documents be on file with the District Purchasing Department:
1. Endorsed Certificate of Insurance stating under the project description: “All operations resulting from informally or formally quoted projects”.
2. Proof of Workers’ Compensation Insurance
A. Comprehensive General Liability and Automobile Insurance. Without limiting Contractor’s indemnification, it is agreed that Contractor shall maintain in force at all times during the performance of this agreement the policies of insurance hereinafter described.
Contractor shall secure and maintain in force during the term of this agreement:
- Commercial General Liability from any cause $2,000,000 per occurrence.
- Automobile Liability for owned, non-owned, and hired vehicles $1,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage.
BERRYESSA UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT, AND ITS EMPLOYEES AND AGENTS shall be named as an additional insured on the policies by separate endorsement that shall be attached to the contract as proof of insurance. Insurance Accord shall state “All operations resulting from informally or formally quoted projects”.
Written notification by the Carrier to the District at least thirty (30) days prior to cancellation, failure to renew, or other termination, is required.
Insurance afforded under the contractor’s policy is primary and any insurance maintained by the District shall apply, if required by law, in excess of, and not contributory with, insurance required under the terms of this contract.
Contractor will, at his own expense, maintain coverage in conformance with the above requirements. Certificates of insurance evidencing the existence of coverage shall be filed with the District prior to commencement of work no later than seven (7) calendar days from date of notification of award.
B. Workers’ Compensation. Contractor shall maintain a policy of workers’ compensation insurance as required by Labor Code Section 3200 et. seq. A certificate evidencing this coverage shall be filed with the District prior to the commencement of work under this agreement and will become part of the contract. Written notification by the Carrier to the District at least thirty (30) days prior to cancellation, failure to renew, or other termination, is required.
C. Delivery of Insurance Documents. Insurance Accord and endorsements may be faxed, mailed or emailed to:
Berryessa Union School District- Attn: Bonny S Gregorius, Purchasing Manager
- 981 Ridder Park Drive
- San Jose, CA 95131
- Fax: 408-926-8329
- Email:
Questions may be directed to Bonny S Gregorius at 408-923-1871 or