Technology Services
Technology Services Department Vision: All students and staff have reliable technology access, when and where they need it.
Technology Services Department Mission: Educating staff, ensuring technology access, enabling great teaching and embracing innovation.
The Technology Services department is responsible for providing technology services in our district. These services include maintaining staff and student computers, supporting instructional and business applications, providing a safe and secure network and maintaining wireless access to facilitate district internal and external communication. The department directly supports the district office and schools through the delivery of technology services to classrooms, teachers, students and staff.
The department is focused on providing environments that empower teachers, students and staff with tools for preparing students for the 21st Century, enable collaborative learning and promote responsible digital citizenship. Department staff are committed to removing impediments to learning and reducing the complexity of technology for our users.
Technology Services Department Goals
Frictionless use of technology
Users need have what’s needed, when they need it
Systems need to be easy to use and implement
Training shouldn’t take several hours to become proficient
District technology should be integrated, not siloed
Applications and hardware need to be able to work with each other
Issues need to be addressed efficiently and effectively.
Respond or Resolve in 24 to 48 hours.
Teachers need opportunities to improve their professional practice.
This requires support from site and district administrators
Students need opportunities to demonstrate content knowledge using a variety of media.
Choice, voice, and agency provide powerful learning opportunities for students
The Technology Services department strives to provide the best possible technology services and support for teachers, students and staff.
Department Directory
Department Directory
Department Directory
Position | Name | Phone Number | Email Address |
Director of Technology Services | Kyle Brumbaugh | (408) 923-1884 | |
Technology Assistant | Jacquie Lambert | (408) 923-1843 | |
Manager of Technology Services | Matt Lipford | (408) 923-1821 | |
Technology Support Specialist III | Reggie Burrell | (408) 923-1845 | |
Technology Support Specialist II | Bryan Nguyen | (408) 923-1847 | |
Technology Support Specialist II | Andy Tran | (408) 923-1844 | |
Technology Support Specialist I | Michael Carvelho | (408) 923-1885 | |
Technology Support Specialist I | Royal Burrell | (408) 923-1827 | |
Student Information Specialist | Stephanie Smith-Macias | (408) 923-1880 | |
Technology Help Desk | |